Wednesday, January 21, 2009

When my desire for more leads to much, much less백설공주.files/image004.jpg

“We turn to those around us
as if they are mirrors,
and hope that what they reflect
back to us makes us feel good
about who we are.”

Just who is supposed to reflect the glory of Whom? Isn’t reflecting God’s glory the reason we were created?

I am reading A Quest for More by Paul David Tripp. As I began this study I did not think of myself as an arrogant person, but when I began to look at my tendency to strive for my own glory instead of God's I see that I am very arrogant indeed.

“How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes only from God?” (John 5:44)

“What causes us to miss seeing the glory of God? Is it not because we are often distracted by seeking to receive glory from man?”

“What is this desire to be well thought of, or well spoken of? As if a man should run up and down after a feather flying in the air. It is a question whether (he will) ever get it; but if he do(es), it is but a feather; such, is honor, it is hard to obtain it, but if obtained, it is but the breath in a few men’s mouths; but what is worst of all, it hinders our sight of Christ.” (Isaac Ambrose, Looking Unto Jesus)

“God wants us to know who He is, and to be satisfied with that knowledge. He desires for us to behold His perfections and to marvel at His worth, for this will not only magnify Him but will also bring us deeper pleasure than anything that the world holds forth.”

Friday, January 9, 2009

Eclipses and Parched Ground

I find word pictures help my understanding of spiritual truths. I found these in The Divine Will from the Valley of Vision prayer book. Both of these quotes helped me see how I am the one who blocks myself from "increasing in the knowledge of God" (Colossians 1:10 ESV). Even as I am drawn away from Him by my own actions, He draws me back to himself.

(Picture by Alexandra Huckerby & Greg Butler - Antalya, Turkey)

"Show me what sins hide Thee from me and eclipse Thy love."

As I think about my sins - anger, pride, self-righteousness, greed, etc. - hiding God from me, I realize how little regard I have for God and how I want to be:

the one in control (omnipotent)
the one worshipped
the "deserving" one

As I act out of this kind of heart my sin eclipses - blocks out the light of - God's love. I do not glorify Him. I cannot glorify Him, when my sin puts my focus on me.

Thank you, Lord, for Act 2.

"Teach me to believe that all degrees of mercy arise from several degrees of prayer, that when faith is begun it is imperfect and must grow, as chapped ground opens wider and wider until rain comes."

I see the ground drying up, like I remember one time as a child, and cracks opening up between it.

In this quote, I see how God draws me to Himself. As my life dries up, cracking open because nothing I rely upon can fill me, He allows all of my need for Him to be apparent before drawing me again to Himself. Desperately longing for relief, God sends the rain of His mercy and grace, and I wonder why I ever thought anything else mattered.